Sunday, October 20, 2013

30 Tips to Keep you Fit and Fabulous

1. Drink lots of water. Diet soda or iced-tea is not recommended.
2. Be choosy about late night snacks--keep them low calorie.
3. Enjoy your favorite foods--only less of them. Total elimination of any food is not healthy.
4. Eat 5 to 6 mini-meals throughout the day instead of three large meals.
5. Eat some form of protein at every meal. Greek yogurt etc.
6. Spice it up; using spices in your food makes it more satisfying and spices have health benefits.
7. Stock your kitchen with convenient, healthy snacks you can grab when hunger strikes.
8. Always eat breakfast. It starts your body’s engine for the day.
9. Increase the fiber in your diet from whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Not supplements.
10. Clean your refrigerator and pantry of fattening foods. Purge the junk and rarely buy it.
11. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day (without clothing).
12. Get enough sleep. Studies show lack of sleep increases your appetite.
13. Make sure you know what correct portion sizes are. Your portion sizes may be too big.
14. The largest part of your diet should consist of fruits and vegetables.
15. Set realistic goals. 2 – 4 lbs. of weight loss per week is healthy.
16. Vary your cardiovascular workout to keep it from getting boring. Try something new.
17. Limit alcohol. It contains empty calories and lowers your willpower.
18. Know your triggers and develop a plan to avoid them. Manage stress in a healthy way. Make meditation as a daily routine.
19. Make sure you have a support system. Let your friends/family know of your weight loss plan.
20. Limit sodium, saturated fat and simple sugars/carbohydrates. Read nutrition labels.
21. Limit processed foods. Eat foods in their natural state; unprocessed.
22. Eat low fat or fat free dairy products only. Fat free cottage cheese is a great form of protein.
23. Make sure to include cardiovascular exercise, strength training and stretching in your fitness plan.
24. Limit screen time. Sitting at the computer, watching TV, etc. Get up and get moving!
25. Make a commitment to yourself to live a healthy lifestyle and stick with it.
26. Keep a food diary and be honest. It helps to see exactly what you’re eating.
27. Ask someone to join you on your fitness and weight loss journey; keep each other accountable.
28. It’s never too late to eat healthy and exercise. It’s beneficial for all age groups.
29. Stay on your diet when eating out. Ask for food that is grilled, boiled or steamed, not fried.
30. Make just one meal for everyone. Your family will benefit from eating healthy meals too.

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Enlightened Living: A Foundation Cours in Holistic Development

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